Saturday, April 03, 2004

A few items of note.

-- I went to a bagel place last week that was advertising a few low-carb bagels. What's wrong with this picture?

-- Subway is currently advertising items that are either low-fat or lot-carb. What are we going to do when scientists discover that high-protein diets contribute to some horrific disease? There won't be any food left to eat. Just wait until they try to sell you you their new line of low-far, low-fat, low-protein, low-sodium, trans-fat-free, Atkins-friendly wraps.

-- Earlier this week, in an ill-conceived idea for my birthday party decorations, I found myself at Home Depot, pushing a cart with about $200 of lumber, wooden fence lattice, and steel garden lattice up to the checkout line. Suddenly, logic struck, and I promptly returned all of those materials. Total amount spent at Home Depot that day? $16. Total amount spent on other decorations? No comment.

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