Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I passed the exam. Woohoo. Now I'm feeling the effects of my marathon study session last weekend and the re-emergence of my coffee habit. After an hour of lecture this morning, I realized that I was having a tough time doing much of anything. And while I didn't feel specifically tired, I felt empty. Every internal alarm kept telling me that I needed to sleep, and soon. So I came home and in a few minutes I'll take a nap...for 4-6 hours.

The last few days have been really odd. I haven't been myself. I've been making rush decisions without thinking them through, I've been having a tough time paying attention to even the most basic conversations, and I've been talking a lot more (babbling, really) than I usually do. It's as if I've been walking around in a semi-drunken state since the middle of last week. Plus I'm feeling emotionally unsettled but I'm not really sure why. All in all, I need to recover from the last five or six days. That's my self-prescription for today...sleep, food, cleaning, laundry, and more sleep. Tomorrow I hope to be my usual self again.

Mood: fuzzy
Song: Coldplay, "Fix You"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratuations on passing your exams!

~ Lt