Monday, May 10, 2004

I think I'm depressed.

I don't feel specifically upset or morose or anything like that, but I have all the other symptoms -- consistent anxiousness, indecisiveness, lack of appetite, exhaustion, etc.

The most frustrating thing is that I don't know why.

Worried about the end of my program at Hopkins? Probably.
Already feeling detatched from my friends here? Yes.
Concerned about my ability to work at Lewin? Not as much, no.
Recent concerns about my dating life? Yeah, that too.

Ugh. It's odd...I know I don't have any logical reason to be upset, but I'm also painfully aware that it doesn't make any difference.

Time for a glass of wine and a movie on TV.

Mood: Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Song: Ozzy, "I Just Want You" and Van Halen, "Humans Being"

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