Monday, July 25, 2005

One small step...

Friday was my last day of work. Saturday was my first day on the beach in many, many months, and today marked the start of my final week in DC...for now, at least.

Now what do I do? I have a week until I move. I'd like to avoid thinking about my departure for as long as possible. It doesn't mean that I won't start packing or prepare to leave, but I'll feel better if I can avoid thinking about the people in DC who I won't see for a long time. With that in mind, I'm going to visit the Air & Space Museum tomorrow (the Dulles annex, for those of you who are familiar with it) and then tour the Capitol on Wednesday.

I actually feel better about leaving DC now that I'm done with work. I feel like it's the first small step towards trading this reality for another one.

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