Friday, July 18, 2003

I want to cook. I miss being able to burn off stress by doing something productive. Studying for the MCAT doesn't help in that regard.

My fan broke. :-( Do I buy another one for the summer, then ship it home? Or just deal with the heat?

Living and interacting with the kids in the high school program has made me reflect a lot on my own personal development. One of the staff members commented early in the program that the social dynamics among high school student is the closest thing we can get to human nature. I don't know if I agree with that, but it's an interesting thought. How much do we grow up after high school? Certainly, our view of the world changes immensely, but how much do our social habits change? At the risk of echoing the useless social commentary on Sex and the City, how much do our interactions fundamentally change from the high school hallways to corporate America? Or from gender-segregated high school dances to the local bar scene?

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