Tuesday, September 13, 2005

By the Numbers

My life, by the numbers:

  • Class days since I started med school: 21
  • Class days since I started biochemistry: 13
  • Class days until my biochem exam: 3
  • Hours until my biochem exam: 64
  • Hours of lecture, review, or other structured academic time before the exam: 16
  • Hours of study time before the exam (projected): 24-28
  • Times I have worried that typing this blog entry will take too long (within last 5 minutes): 3

  • Number of chemicals, enzymes, or reactions I need to know for this exam (approx): 250-300
  • Percent of which I understand little or nothing: 20%
  • Percent of which I understand at a bare minimum: 50%
  • Percent of which I understand comfortably: 30%

  • Faculy members who equated med school to "drinking from a fire hydrant" sometime this week: 2
  • Consecutive hours studying at Starbucks on Sunday: 7.5
  • Beverages purchased during that time: 3
  • Cost of said beverages: $7.10
  • Cost of studying at Starbucks, per hour: $0.95
  • Percent of roommates who agree this is a reasonable cost: 100%

  • Free meals at school since classes started (avg/week): 1.5
  • Percent of free meals consisting of pizza, salad, and soda: 80%

  • Score I need to pass this exam: 65%
  • Score I received in a dream last night: 53%
  • Percent of classmates who have reported having dreams about the exam: 70%
  • Percent of students who pass the exam in their dreams: 0%

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the best post EVER.