Friday, January 23, 2004


relaxtion. finally.

Back to the real world. Classes, my friends at Hopkins, and my apartment. And a real bed.

Thursdays are going to be pretty nasty this term. I decided to drop my "Terrorism and Public Health" elective that was on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, but I'm still going to have classes from 10am to 8pm on Thursday. Ugh. I didn't plan ahead today, so I got caught eating M&Ms for dinner since I couldn't get home until late-ish.

I decided that it wasn't a good idea to go back up to New Hampshire. I would really love to go, but I would need to travel for ~10-12 hours from Manchester to Washington, D.C. through the early morning of 1/28. And since I'm already sleep deprived from my time in NH earlier this week, I could use a few days to recover. I'll probably drive to Wilmington, Delaware the following weekend to work on the Clark campaign there.

I'm still reflecting on the campaign experience. It still feels like a dream...the whole experience was so short and concentrated that I could have easily imagined it during a night of sleep. Except now I'm emailing and IMing the folks who I met during that weekend! It will be especially odd when I catch up with Atin, one of the NH volunteers who is an undergrad at Hopkins.

Thinking about the campaign also makes me sad in a way. I wish I had the time to spend another week at the campaign. And it can be upsetting to meet really neat people and spend a few really intense day with them -- and then never see them again? It's not necessarily going to be that way, especially with the ease of electronic communication, but it's still a possibility.

I got my final grade back from last term today, only a mere month after turning in my final (!!!). Somehow I pulled off an A despite not making much sense at all on my final paper. I had received a really high grade on the midterm, and it turns out that was really lucky because my final included a few *choice* comments such as "not really correct" and "does not relate to topic." But an A is an A.

This is going to be a good weekend. I'll finally see "Return of the King." And clean my room. And figure out my looks like I'll probably need to get another student loan. Ugh. Fortunately it will be for a (relatively) small amount. And I'll sleep. A lot. And go to Costco, develop about 200 photos, and get the basic food supplies for the next month or so. And clean my room again. It needs it.

Tomorrow is Friday. Yay.

Current Mood: Optimistic, high energy.
Current Song: Evanescence, "Away From Me"

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