Tuesday, May 13, 2003

"The administration's antebellum accounts of the Iraqi weapons hoard are looking every bit as dubious as Enron's electricity transactions, and they increasingly seem as phony a casus belli as the destruction of the Maine in Havana Harbor."

Harold Meyerson's Op-Ed piece in today's Washington Post talks about Bush, weapons of mass destruction, and manufacturing evidence to start a war.

"Apparently, Bush administration intelligence is to intelligence as Fox news is to news. Facts are fine so long as they bolster the president's case. When they don't, they will be suppressed or forgotten, and other, more congenial facts will be found. As at Enron, there are leading figures in this administration who think that when the real facts don't look so good, it's fine to substitute your own."

"Giving them the benefit of the doubt, of course, they simply may have been very credulous in the face of the INC's material (not a hugely comforting thought). And certainly, unlike the Enron gang, they weren't putting out these detailed accounts of unreality in an attempt to cover up crimes or enrich themselves. They merely wanted to start a war. No big deal.

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